On the 13th of October 1989, the Council of Europe adopted a set of recommendations outlining the needs and responsibilities concerning the education of imprisoned persons in Europe.
These recommendations stipulate that all imprisoned persons should be offered the opportunity to engage in educational activities and that these activities should serve to develop the whole person, be conducive to effective reintegration, and encourage a reduction in recidivism.
These recommendations form the basis of the objectives of the European Prison Education Association, and have been ratified in the educational policies of a number of European countries, still we have a long way to go to ensure that the recommendations are sufficiently implemented across Europe and internationally.
(Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 13 October 1989 at the 429th meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies)
The Committee of Ministers, under the terms of Article 15.b of the Statute of the Council of Europe, Considering that the right to education is fundamental; Considering the importance of education in the development of the individual and the community;
Realising in particular that a high proportion of prisoners have had very little successful educational experience, and therefore now have many educational needs;
Considering that education in prison helps to humanise prisons and to improve the conditions of detention;
Considering that education in prison is an important way of facilitating the return of the prisoner to the community;
Recognising that in the practical application of certain rights or measures, in accordance with the following recommendations, distinctions may be justified between convicted prisoners and prisoners remanded in custody;
Having regard to Recommendation No. R (87) 3 on the European Prison Rules and Recommendation No. R (81) 17 on adult education policy, Recommends the governments of member states to implement policies which recognise the following:
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